Angry Atheists and Secular Spirituality

There are a lot of angry atheists out there.  Facebook and other online groups and forums are full of angry atheists denouncing religion, politicians and even other atheists who don’t agree with them on particular issues. Seems like there’s more than a little need for some positive contribution by and […]

War on Christmas

A few people who have learned about Wintermas have immediately assumed it’s part of the so-call War on Christmas, but it is not intended to be. As our Wintermas eBook explains, Wintermas is intended as an alternative secular celebration so that non-believers can enjoy and gain meaning form the winter […]

Merry Wintermas Day 2015!

Merry Wintermas (or Happy WIntermas in the British world) 2015 to all!  Stripped of the Christmas Holidays’ religious baggage, Wintermas is a time to celebrate the turning of the Seasons, for relaxation and reflection and energizing one’s self for the year ahead. The Winter Holidays are also all about light.  The slow […]

Home and Hearth with Wintermas at Yuletide

This is a time of year to slow done and relax.  It the old days of Yule before it was Christmasized and Commercialized people would take a break from everyday life — even battles were suspended. So, decorate your home, slow down, relax and think about Wonder of Winter and […]